Marina Knyazeva

Marina Knyazeva


Saint-Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Science (SPIIRAS)


PhD Student (expected to finish in December 2008)

Advisor: Dr.
Gaiane Panina

Field of Research: Geometry

Research Interests: Hyperbolic virtual polytopes and their fans, Saddle surfaces, Hyperbolic herissons.


1.     M. Knyazeva «From virtual polytopes to classical saddle surfaces», Priborostroenie, Vol. 49, ¹11, 2006, pp. 24-28 (Russian).

2.     M. Knyazeva «New example of hyperbolic virtual polytope», Third Russian-German Geometry Meeting (Leonard Euler Congress), Abstracts, pp. 19-20 (English).

3.     M. Knyazeva «New example of hyperbolic virtual polytope», to appear in «Algebra and Analysis» (Russian).

4.     M. Knyazeva, G. Panina «Illustrated theory of hyperbolic virtual polytopes», to appear in CESJM (Central European Science Journal of Mathematics) (English).



1.     New hyperbolic virtual polytope (section talk), in Third Russian-German Geometry Meeting, Leonard Euler Congress (July 2007, Saint-Petersburg).

2.     New example of hyperbolic virtual polytope (talk), in «Seminar of Low-dimensional mathematics» (Petersburg Department of  Mathematical Institute of RAS, PDMI RAS)

3.     Illustrated theory of hyperbolic virtual polytopes (talk), in «Seminar of Informatics and computer technologies» (SPIIRAS)