Коллоквиум лаборатории Чебышева
Внимание! Необычный день!
Вторник 3 марта в 17:10 в ауд. 413 (14-я линия В.О., 29)
Haakan Hedenmalm (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
"The polyanalytic Ginibre ensembles"
In joint work with A. Haimi, we study determinantal point processes graded by two parameters
, where the case
is the well-known Ginibre ensemble. The parameter
can be interpreted in terms of so-called Landau levels. We describe the basic properties of these polyanalytic Ginibre ensembles, and study universality features as we let
. Although desirable, it is not yet known how to model the polyanalytic Ginibre ensembles in terms of eigenvalues of random matrices.
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