Picture of Egor Pifagorov
Dipendra Prasad (TIFR, Mumbay),"An Introduction to the Langlands program and representation theory of p-adic groups"
by Egor Pifagorov - Thursday, 22 September 2016, 10:49 PM
В понедельник 26 сентября (начало в 18.30 в ауд. 14) на семинаре по алгебраическим
группам запланирован 1.5-часовой доклад Дипендры Прасада на тему
An Introduction to the Langlands program and representation theory of p-adic groups
который будет содержать детальное введение в программу Ленглендса.
An Introduction to the Langlands program and representation theory of p-adic groups.
Abstract: We introduce the Langlands program to an audience
with specialization in Algebraic groups, with concrete questions
such as ``branching laws" which are often dealt with in studying
finite dimensional algebraic representations of algebraic groups,
but now for infinite dimensional representations of real and p-adic