Picture of Egor Pifagorov
Number Theory seminar
by Egor Pifagorov - Wednesday, 2 September 2020, 07:20 PM
Euler International Mathematical Institute and St. Petersburg State University are happy to announce a new
Number Theory seminar, headed by Eric Mortenson.
The first few talks are scheduled:
Ken Ono (7 September, Monday, 10am Eastern US, 5pm SPb),
Variations of Lehmer’s Conjecture on the Nonvanishing of the Ramanujan tau-function;
Bruce Berndt (16 September, Wednesday, 11am Central US, 7pm SPb), The Circle Problem of Gauss, the Divisor Problem of Dirichlet, and Ramanujan's Interest in Them;
Matthias Beck (24 September, Thursday, 5pm German, 6pm SPb);
Frank Garvan (1 October, Thursday 11am Eastern,
6pm SPb).