| Тут помещены записи всех докладов конференции "Algebraic Geometry, K-theory, and Motives", посвященной 60-и летию Андрея Александровича Суслина (СПб, 25-29 июня 2010 г.) Мы используем специальный формат для сетевой записи докладов с меловой доской. Смотреть записи следует в полноэкранном режиме, поток - 1.2 мегабита.The recordings of all talks from the conference "Algebraic Geometry, K-theory, and Motives" dedicated to to Andrei Suslin's 60th birthday ( St. Petersburg, Russia June 25-29, 2010 ). The recordings are designed to watch them in full screen on a powerful computer. This format is specially designed for recording chalkboards. The bitrate is about 1.2 megabit
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1 | Alexander Merkurjev "Canonical dimension of simple algebras"
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Hélène Esnault "Level and rational points"
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Alexander Beilinson "Some remarks on Grothendieck's standard conjectures"
4 | Marc Levine "Slices of S1-spectra"
5 | Spencer Bloch "Dilogarithm motives arising in physics"
6 | Vladimir Voevodsky "Formal languages, partial algebraic theories and homotopy category"
7 | Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène "Unramified H3 and codimension two cycles"
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Paul Balmer "Modules in triangulated categories"
9 | Eric Friedlander "Some contributions of Andrei Suslin to modular representation theory"
10 | Stephen Lichtenbaum "Coherent sheaves on Arakelov varieties"
11 | Alexander Vishik
"On some applications of Symmetric Operations in Algebraic Cobordism"
12 | Raman Parimala "Degree three Galois cohomology of function fields of arithmetic surfaces"
13 | Andrei Suslin "On motivic cohomology of Severi-Brauer varieties"